Effectively Centralized Control Based on LAN Multicast Technology 基于局域网多播技术的有效集中控制
Additional requests to join the session from others in the same LAN segment will result in no additional multicast packets being sent, since the packets are already being broadcast. 结果其他人的其他加入会话的请求的其他墨点发送的包将不被发送,因为保已经广播了。
In this paper, a multicast protocol in an LAN switch, named IGMP snooping, is implemented based on VLAN and IGMP. IGMP snooping will be applied to the IP multicast stream control on the switch Ethernet. 采用IGMPSnooping的方法,在二层交换机中设计一个基于VLAN和IGMP的多播协议,用于控制交换以太网中不断增长的IP多播流。
In the design of the system, the author has completed video capture, video display, video storage, video compression, motion detection, video transmitting, video accept, and created a LAN, and realized IP multicast. 本系统在设计过程中,完成了视频的采集、显示、压缩、智能存储、网络传输、网络接收,还完成了局域网的组建,实现了IP组播。
Testing the archetypal system in LAN, mainly include multicast group constructed, multicast group join and leave and node failure disposal. Testing results indicate it achive the design request. 对原型系统在局域网中进行了测试,主要测试内容包括组播组的创建,组播组的加入和退出以及节点失效的处理,测试结果表明原型系统基本达到了设计要求。
The Implementation of LAN VOD System with IP Multicast 基于IPmulticast的局域网VOD系统实现
Study and application of real-time audio multicast in LAN LAN中声音实时多点传送的应用研究
It analyzes the importance of VLAN partition by LAN, and the research priority is the design and implementation of VLAN and the design pattern of the computer rooms under the circumstances of VLAN and with multicast combining the advantages of blue card technology and cloning technology. 分析了局域网划分VLAN的意义,重点研究了VLAN的设计与实现,以及在VLAN环境下,利用多播技术,结合蓝卡和GHOST的优点,对机房进行维护的设计与实施方案。